Mikros Animation has recently announced the expansion of its activities by bringing under a unique brand its top-tier CGI services for every animation format, across episodic content and feature films. With operations in Paris, Montreal, Bangalore, London, and Los Angeles, Mikros Animation makes each project benefit from a global infrastructure of creative studios, from the power and scale of shared knowledge, innovations, and insights of its multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural pool of talent.
To oversee the expanded global production capabilities of Mikros Animation, Adrianna Cohen has been named SVP, Global Head of Production. Adrianna ‘AJ’ Cohen brings with her 35 plus years of experience in the entertainment industry and has extensive knowledge in producing and packaging animation features and television shows. She recently worked as a consultant for animation facilities in Madrid, Lisbon, and Barcelona, after serving as Senior Vice President/Head of Production Blue Sky Studios & Fox Animation, where she was instrumental notably on ‘Spies in Disguise’.
“I am very pleased to join Mikros Animation. The team demonstrates a strong passion for animation that is reflected in the rich variety of styles that is applied every day to bring great IPs and great stories to screens. The team also shows great experience in every facet of the animation content production and has built a solid reputation in execution quality and on-time delivery. Because we are committed to creating the highest quality content for every unique project that is entrusted to us, we will continue pushing together this level of excellence and we will continue serving stories by partnering and collaborating with our clients through our front-and backend creative services.”, stated Adrianna Cohen.