Mikros Animation proudly brought its animation expertise to Thelma the Unicorn, a Netflix original film directed by Jared Hess and Lynn Wang. Based on the beloved children’s book, this heartwarming tale of fame, self-discovery, and acceptance was realized with the dedication of a massive team. Over 500 talented artists and technicians across Mikros Animation’s studios in Paris, Montreal, and Bangalore worked tirelessly for three years to craft Thelma’s glittering world and captivating characters.
Mikros Animatio played a pivotal role in crafting the vibrant visuals and character-driven storytelling that define the movie. From designing Thelma’s whimsical world to animating her glittering transformation, the project showcased Mikros’ ability to combine artistic vision with technical innovation. This global collaboration is a testament to the studio’s passion for delivering high-quality animation that resonates with audiences worldwide.