We really wanted the film to have a handcrafted look. What that means is that every frame of the film had been touched by our animators. Every single frame of the film has been played with by our artists. Every pose of every character was drawn by our artists inside Maya. We had to adjust our minds according to this approach.”
Jacques Daigle, Animation Supervisor – interview published by Digital Production, October 22, 2021
We are excited to share with you insight on the making-of the film! Discover in this first episode “The Secret World of SpongeBob Animation” how our teams at Mikros Animation have crafted this first feature animation in CG, while staying true to the original series. Don’t wait to click on ‘PLAY’:
To discover the next three episodes, click on this link.

To stay true to the spirit of the original series, our artists adopted a differentiated style to animate the characters and the environments. The almost full CG version of the environments was achieved through an organic mix of high-end and traditional techniques, combining strong asset building, workflow flexibility and visual inventiveness.

To preserve the individuality and personality of each protagonist, the team at Mikros Animation had to re-think the design and animation of the 3D characters, so that the characters could act, move, perform – and deform – and do all kinds of crazy stunts.

TM and © Spongebob Squarepants Viacom International Inc.