Mikros Animation Paris’ teams under the Mikroscope! We asked them 8 questions so that you can get to know them, their world and their successes. At the end, they in turn pass the baton to one of their colleagues so that another person can answer the same questions!
It’s Emmanuelle Trillot‘s turn to speak and she has been nominated by Camille Ringuet! She tells us about her career and what she likes best about her job:
What is the best part of your job?
Being with the teams, seeing them progress throughout a project. Â
What was the first project you worked on when you joined Mikros Animation?
I arrived on the film The Tiger Apprentice in December 2021!
Share your student and professional background to get to your position at Mikros Animation!
After the baccalaureate, I went to study at ESRA (Ecole SupĂ©rieure de RĂ©alisation Audiovisuelle). I then did a master’s degree in another school in Audiovisual Production, specialising in Animation (BAC+5).
At the same time, I was an intern at Gaumont Animation on the 2D series Furiki Wheels. I stayed at Gaumont Animation on the series Noddy 2 as an intern and was hired as a production assistant at the end of the project. I then moved on to the 2D series Bionic Max as a production assistant for 2 years.
Finally I joined Mikros Animation as Production Coordinator for the CROWD/EXTRA/CONFO ANIM/FIX teams on TA, and now I am Production Coordinator for the Crowd and Confo Layout teams on Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem.
What inspires you or who inspires you?
MusiLive films like Amadeus, Les Tontons Flingueurs, Ghibli films. A bit of everything I would say!
If you had to be a character in Mikros Animation’s films and series, who would you be?
I would say Oursenplus, the centurion in Asterix, the Mansions of the Gods!

Your biggest achievement so far?
My greatest achievement is to have found what I want to do with my life and where I want to go.
What advice would you give to your younger self? 
It will be fine, don’t worry!
It’s your turn to name someone from Mikros Animation Paris, to answer these 8 questions!
Axel Gilet, let’s go!
Do you want to join our Parisian teams? Apply here!