In celebration of Valentine’s Day, we spoke with Mikros Animation talent about how they fell head-over-heals in love with animation, characters that hold a special place in their hearts, and artists that they admire.
Today we’re shining a spotlight on Rakesh Acharya B, Modeling Supervisor out of our Bangalore studio.
How and when did you discover your love for animation?
I have always liked art and comic books. In the early 1990s, I grew up watching a lot of movies with visual effects and animation, like Jurassic Park, King Kong, Anaconda, The Lion King, and Toy Story. Those inspired me a lot, and I always wanted to be part of the animation industry and contribute my skills to it.
If you could give a Valentine to any Mikros Animation character, who would it be and why?
I’d like to give a valentine to a character named Honkus from the film, Ozi: Voice of the Forest because she’s one of my favorite characters.
Which character do you most admire?
My most admired character is Woody from Toy Story.
Which artists in the industry do you admire? Who has been your biggest inspiration?
I really admire Stan Lee, R K Narayan, and K.G. Subramanyan. Jim Lee, a DC comic artist, is my biggest inspiration.
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